5 Unique Ways to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving

5 Unique Ways to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Every year we express our gratitude on Thanksgiving Day for the last 400 years. And that too in usual and traditional ways. If you want to go beyond the basics and express gratitude in unique and creative ways this year, then this article is for you.

Thanksgiving is a time of the year to express gratitude and practice giving. You can make it a bit different with our 5 unique ways to express gratitude this Thanksgiving Day.

Give Your Time

In today’s age of busy lives, we often do not have time for others. This Thanksgiving Day, give the gift of your time to your loved ones and people you are thankful for.

Take out time for people around you and among your friends and family, and pay them a visit. If you cannot visit them, at least make a phone call or write a note to express gratitude. This will let them know they are important to you and make them feel loved and cared for.

Personalized Thank You Messages

Just saying thank you is not enough to show your heartfelt appreciation. This Thanksgiving, give personalized gratitude notes to people who are your support system.

Get creative in your ways to express gratitude in writing. Let others know why you are thankful to them and how their kindness and support have impacted your life.

Extend a Helping Hand

Words are powerful, but actions speak louder than words. So do some extra this Thanksgiving. Extend a helping hand to the people around you to express your gratitude.

You can volunteer to help with thanksgiving dinner arrangements or help a friend with chores. Extending a helping hand to underserved people in the community is another meaningful and creative way to express gratitude.

Go Beyond the Words

Thanksgiving is all about expressing gratitude. And thank you notes and speeches are best to show your gratefulness. But you can go beyond the words to make the other person feel extra loved and valued.

Sending gifts, vouchers, and passes are powerful ways to show gratitude. These are ways to return the favors and show your deep concern and thankfulness.

Do Not Forget Yourself

We often forget our own selves while expressing gratitude. This Thanksgiving Day, take time for yourself and connect with your inner self.

Appreciate the gifts of nature and blessings in your life. Think of your good habits and deeds and praise yourself too.

Expressing gratitude means telling how grateful you are and how much you care. I hope this list of 5 unique ways to express gratitude this Thanksgiving will help you to make this day more meaningful

Author: Hawwam Muhammad
The Griot Journal