Twitter Exodus: Where Do They Go from Here?

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The new takeover of twitter by Elon Musk has been the talk of the town in the past couple of days. Musk issued the ultimatum of “hardcore” (working for long hours with a high intensity) which has created a chaos among many employs working at the platform. Many of them are seen to be exiting from the company refusing to fulfil the agreement, meanwhile some of them called it their hardest life decision.

According to different reports, almost 1200 employees have already decided their way out of the company and condemn promoting the long hours working culture. According to earliest views, twitter could be considered as a platform for sharing jokes, updates, and fleeting observations, but over time it has evolved into an indispensable resource for aspiring writers.

In the current case the situation has become very alarming for writers.

As of now for them it will be a very crucial decision, and the next step would be how they would shift to another platform and grab the attention of such a large audience. Twitter has always proven to be a support to lift the careers of emerging writers and aspiring bloggers for sharing content. For those who make a major living by writing, or even for those who try to grab the attention of the audience even with their single thread, the platform is equally important.

Going to another platform might not be an easy choice as it enables entry for those from backgrounds that are underrepresented in publishing. One can develop a following, share links to their work, and get editors’ attention. Sometimes they can even land a book deal if one of their threads gains a lot of attention. Some of the writers have expressed their views about the decision among which a TV journalist said that for many, Twitter is a distraction from work, but for me, it is work. Without it, I wouldn’t have a career as a TV critic and broadcaster.

The writers are confused and mixed feelings have been seen floating among the employees regarding accepting the offer. However, all of them are almost uncertain about what would be their next strategy to land into a larger audience. Furthermore, among these there are some who have decided not to leave the platform until they become certain of something else, still, they hold a view that they hope for the best but their bags are all packed for any harsh condition.

How this decision would create an impact on the platform is vague rightnow, probably not easy to comprehend. Well, according to Musk , he says that the new twitter will be more engineering driven and will promise more hard-core work. However, after getting repetitive resignations from the employees, Musk now tweeted as a joke that “How do you make a small fortune in social media?” he tweeted. “Start out with a large one. “All eyes are on Musk for his next decision keeping in account of the resignations that are coming.


Author: Jasmin Ali
The Griot Journal